In this techtip, we’ll talk about how to set up Powershell to connect to the Sharepoint Online (SPO) segment of Office 365. Of all the individual modules to bolt up to Powershell for use with 365, this one is certainly the easiest and simplest.
At this point, I will make the assumption that you have installed/updated Powershell to version 3.0 and configured it to talk to Office 365. If you have not, please click the following articles [in their respective order] to get it set up: HERE, and HERE.
With Powershell ready to go, you need to download the SPO module from Microsoft. Like the Lync Online module, it’s a self-installing package. Just download and run. The link to grab the SPO module from is HERE. Pay close attention to which version you download. If you’re running 64-bit Windows, grab the 64-bit version. Otherwise, grab the 32.
You can accept all the defaults when running the installer, and of course accepting the license agreement before finishing. Once that’s done, all you have to do is restart Powershell (if you have the command window or ISE open). To test, fire up Powershell and then run the following code (replacing yoursite with whatever your third-level domain is:
Connect-SPOService -Url -Credential $365Credentials
You will be prompted for admin credentials when running the first command. It’s important to note that the user you log in as here has a Sharepoint license assigned to them, or it will not work. When you run the second command, your output should look something like the screenshot below. If it does, you’re all set!