Cool Google Tricks!



Did you know that there are some tricks to Google that most people do not know about? Blow is a listing of a few that I find very helpful!


Pull up the definition of the word by typing define followed by the word you want the definition for. For example, typing: define Finnimbrun would display the definition of that word.

Local search

Visit Google Local enter the area you want to search and the keyword of the place you want to find. For example, typing: Restraunt at the above link would display local restaurants.

Phone number lookup

Enter a full phone number with area code to display the name and address associated with that phone number.

Find weather and movies

Type “weather” or “movies” followed by a zip code or city and state to display current weather conditions or movie theaters in your area. For example, typing weather 80021 gives you the current weather conditions for Broomfield, CO and the next four days. Typing movies 80021 would give you a link for show times for movies in that area.

Track airline flight and packages

Enter the airline and flight number to display the status of an airline flight and it’s arrival time. For example, type: delta 123 to display this flight information if available.

Google can also give a direct link to package tracking information if you enter a UPS, FedEx or USPS tracking number.


Translate text, a full web page, or search by using the Google Language Tools.

Pages linked to you

See what other web pages are linking to your website or blog by typing link: followed by your URL. For example, typing link: displays all pages linking to the website you put in place.

Find PDF results only

Add fileType: to your search to display results that only match a certain file type. For example, if you wanted to display PDF results only type: “HP Prolient” fileType:pdf — this is a great way to find online manuals.


Use the Google Search engine as a calculator by typing a math problem in the search. For example, typing: 200 + 200 would display results as 400.


Quickly get to a stock quote price, chart, and related links by typing the stock symbol in Google. For example, typing: msft will display the stock information for Microsoft.

Quick easy way to make Windows shut-down faster


Get tired of seeing messages saying something like “Closing Network Connections” or “Saving your Settings”?  Well here is a way to potentially speed this process up, this has worked for me and many people I have had try.



Go to the Sounds & Audio Devices Control Panel

Open your control panel and select the Sounds & Audio Devices application. In there, navigate to the Sounds tab.


Exit Windows sound

Find the item that says Exit Windows. If you set the sound here to play nothing (<none>), your system will shut down significantly faster.

Cool trick on changing local user or admin passwords on remote computers


Hello everyone, here is a cool trick if you ever need change local user, or admin passwords on a remote network.

You can change all the “Administrator” or other common local user accounts passwords on all the PCs in your network with a simple line of code.

You need to have admin rights over those PCs. Test it with a single test PC before doing it in a grant scale to avoid unwanted results.

1.   Obtain PSToolsYou can get PSTools from
2.   Open the Command ConsoleTo open the Command Console
1. Click on Start
2. Click on “Run”
3. Type “CMD” in the “Run” box.
4. Change the prompt to the PSTools folder by typing the full folder path.   Example: C:\Blabla\PSTools
3.   For a single computerInside the Command Console type:pspasswd.exe \\Remote_computer_name -u user_name -p new_password

Obviously you would replaced Remote_computer_name with the   name of your remote PC, user_name with the actual username, and new_password   with the actual new password for that user.

4.   For a multiple computers:1. Create a text file named PCs.txt or whatever you want   .txt with the names of the PCs to change a given local user’s password. One   computer name per line, no spaces or extra lines.2. Save the text file in the PSTools folder for   convenience or you’ll have to type the full file path in the command.

3. Inside the Command Console type:
pspasswd.exe @pcs.txt -u user_name -p new_password

How to connect to a wireless network using Windows 8


Windows 8 constantly searches for a working Internet connection. If it finds one that you’ve used previously, you’re set: Windows passes the news along to Internet Explorer, and you’re ready to visit the web.

When you’re traveling, however, the wireless networks around you will often be new, so you’ll have to authorize these new connections. Whenever you want to connect with a new network, you need to tell Windows that you want to connect, please.

To connect to a nearby wireless network for the first time, either one in your own home or in a public place, follow these steps:

  1. Summon the Charms bar and click or tap the Settings icon.Any of these three tricks summons the Charms bar and its Settings screen:
    • Mouse: Point at the screen’s top- or bottom-right edge; when the Charms bar appears, click the Settings icon.
    • Keyboard: Press Windows+I to head straight for the Charms bar’s Settings screen.
    • Touchscreen: Slide your finger inward from the screen’s right edge; when the Charms bar appears, tap the Settings icon.
  2. Click or tap the wireless network icon.Among the Settings screen’s six bottom icons, the one in the top left represents wireless networks. The icon changes shape, depending on your surroundings:
    • Available: When the icon says Available, like the one in the margin, you’re within range of a wireless network. Start salivating and move to the next step.
    • Unavailable: When the icon says Unavailable, like the one in the margin, you’re out of range. Time to head for a different seat in the coffee shop or perhaps a different coffee shop altogether. Then return to Step 1.
  3. Click or tap the Available icon if it’s present.Windows lists all the wireless networks within range of your PC. Don’t be surprised to see several networks listed; if you’re at home, your neighbors probably see your network listed, too.win8charms
  4. Choose to connect to the desired network by clicking its name and clicking the Connect button.If you select the adjacent Connect Automatically check box before clicking the Connect button, Windows automatically connects to that network the next time you’re within range, sparing you from connecting manually each time.If you’re connecting to an unsecured network — a network that doesn’t require a password — you’ve finished. Windows warns you about connecting to an unsecured network, but a click or tap of the Connect button lets you connect, anyway. (Don’t do any shopping or banking on an unsecured connection.)
  5. Enter a password if needed.If you try to connect to a security-enabled wireless connection, Windows asks you to enter a network security key — technospeak for password. If you’re at home, here’s where you type in the same password you entered into your router when setting up your wireless network.If you’re connecting to somebody else’s password-protected wireless network, ask the network’s owner for the password. If you’re in a hotel, pull out your credit card. You probably need to buy some connection time from the people behind the front desk.
  6. Choose whether you want to share your files with other people on the network.If you’re connecting on your own home or office network, choose “Yes, turn on sharing and connect to devices.” That lets you share files with others and use handy devices, like printers.If you’re connecting in a public area, by contrast, choose “No, don’t turn on sharing or connect to devices.” That keeps out snoops.

Turn your digital memories into a DVD


Windows 7 by default comes with a DVD Maker software.  Home users will particularly like this tool since it lets them burn DVD movies using their own media like home made videos and digital photos.

The quickest way to make a DVD is to add pictures and videos in Windows DVD Maker, and then burn to a blank DVD. If you want to get creative, you can customize the DVD menu style and text before you burn the DVD.

To open DVD Maker, click the Start button and choose Windows DVD Maker:

The interface is Wizard-based and targets novice home users.  Advanced users might prefer a more complete software like Nero, but for simple DVD making needs, this one will do just fine.

You can add WMV movies to it (no support for AVI or MP4 which can be a downer!) and also pictures.  If you add a bunch of pictures they will appear as a slideshow folder.

You can see the amount of time remaining on your DVD project so you know how much space is still left.  You can also enter your own DVD title which by default contains the date when you open the program.

You can change the order of the media files that you enter using the up and down arrows.

You can also change the drive where you have a DVD burner.  It automatically detects the right drive even if you have more than one DVD drive.

The next window will let you preview your work before burning it.  You can change the menu styles and menu text.

After finalizing the menu text and previewing the DVD movie, click the Burn button to start burning the disc.

The software only provides basic DVD making capabilities.  If you want to do more advanced tasks like cropping or color correction, you may want to look for more higher end tools.